2008 Acronym List

1S 143 Sunshine
AG Allgrandsons
B2 Bad 2 The Bone
BB Backnblack
BC Big I Chook
BD BigDogRacing
BI Buggs Island Racing
BK Boondock
BR Big Ron's Ramjets
BT Brew Thru Crew
BU Bubba Racing
CB Crush Buggs Island
CS Cardslingers Racing
DB Dboys
DE DownEast Racing
DH Deerhunter Racing
DN Denali Racing
DT Dream Team
DZ TheDiazBrothers
EB EBG Racing
FL Fastlane Racing
FT FT2008gowin
FX Fox Team
GG Galloping Ghost
GM Grinding Metal
HH Hooters & Hokies
HK Hack's Racing
ID In The Draft
JR Jim Racers
JS Jasper Racing
KK Kat's Krew
KT The "K" Team
L3 Long Live 3
MD Mad Dog Motorsport
MH Malhay Racing
NE Northern Exposure
NR Nike Racing
OC Out of Control
OG One To Go
QY Quicker Than You
PU Puma Future Cats
R4 Run4Cup Motorsport
RC Redneckcpa
RM RMracing
RW Redneck Wannabe
SB Swee's Boys
SC Screamon Demons
SM Smash Buggs Island
SP Spark E Plug
SQ Squirrels
SS Silver Streak
SZ SuznShay
T1 Tiger10
TA Team Allworld
TD Test Drive
TH TinHorses
TK Tank Racing
TN T-N-C Racing
TO The Outsiders
TP TPT Racing
VL Victory Lap
WM Wooden Motorsports
WR Wheelchair Racing
WW Winged Wheel